All of our treatments are carried out in accordance with the Department of Agriculture (DoA) and are either subsequent to a Biosecurity Direction by DoA or can be voluntarily requested by the importer/exporter.
All of our fumigators are fully trained and licenced with the EPA and we pride ourselves on adherence to the strict proceedures necessary for Australia's biosecurity.
All commercial vessels arriving in Australia from overseas (or that have been in contact with overseas vessels or sea installations) are required to comply with Australia’s biosecurity laws and requirements. The biosecurity risk of each vessel entering Australian waters is assessed by DoA and where a vessel inspection does not meet the department‘s standards additional directions or corrective actions are issued by a biosecurity officer.
Biosecurity is a critical part of the government's efforts to prevent, respond to and recover from pests and diseases that threaten the economy and environment.
To find out more about biosecurity requirements and your responsibilities for importing goods to Australia visit
Fumigation SERVICES
Whether it's a commodity or packaging, we are licenced and authorised to use Methyl Bromide (CH3Br) or Sulfuryl Fluoride (SO2F2) to treat a variety of goods. Such as; fresh produce, helicopters and boats, personal effects, white-goods and more. Standard fumigations are usually 20' or 40' containers, however we can tarp or sheet a stack or irregular shipments and loose cargo as well. All treatments are done at approved customer sites/depots and we can also perform chamber fumigation (where available).
As well as meeting DoA requirements all of our treatemnts also meet the Australian Wood Packaging Certification Scheme (AWPCS) and ISPM15 (International Standards For Phytosanitary Measures No 15). This scheme is adhered to internationally and works to prevent the spread of non-autochtonous parasites throughout the world caused by globalisation and increased trade flow.
We can also treat for Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) which is of particular concern to the Australian Goverment. This bug is prevalent in a multitude of countries and would be devasting to our local environment. As such the Department of Agriculture has imposed strict guidelines to the treatment of goods being imported from a growing number of countries, particularly where timber, timber framing and/or packaging is concerned. For more information visit: and
Sulfuryl Fluoride Detection & Monitoring
Do you have an incoming shipment that’s been treated with Sulfuryl Fluoride? Fumigate All Hours NSW are approved to conduct sulfuryl fluoride detection and monitoring. This service is mandatory for any shipment treated with Sulfuryl Fluoride to ensure the safety of any personnel involved with the inspection, movement and unpacking of the shipment. The detection and monitoring is conducted when the container is first opened and must be carried out in the presence of a government biosecurity inspector. All detections are passed (and a Clearance Certificate issued) when the presence of Sulfuryl Fluoride is 3ppm or less.
Salting Treatments
Salting Treatments occur at the direction of the Department of Agriculture and all of our salting is conducted at Patricks, Port Botany Terminal. A salt barrier is placed around the container/s to prevent any unintentional introduction of the Giant African Snail (achatina achatina/fulica/marginata). The Giant African Snail is homaphroditic and typically lays 1,200 eggs per year, with lab studies showing adults can lay up to 4,000 eggs per year. This snail poses significant threat to our agriculture due to their rapid reproduction and voracious appetites for anything; a single adult can dessimate an entire plant quickly (stem to tip) and can also pose health risks to humans (meningitis). While a pest for Australia, the Giant African Snail is often kept as a pet or for food and/or medicine in other parts of the world.